lunes, 14 de marzo de 2016

Spring is coming

Spring is coming!! But... What is the weather like in spring? Is it cold? Is it hot? The weather in Barcelona in spring is warm and rainy and we should wear a raincoat and wellies boots (wellington boots). Would you like to review weather and clothes vocabulary ?

La primavera està arribant!! Però...Quin temps fa a la primavera? Fa fred? Fa calor? El temps a Barcelona a la primavera és càlid i plujós i hauríem de dur l'impermeable i les botes d'aigua. T'agradaria recordar vocabulari sobre el clima i la roba?

1. Choose
2. Choose
3. Find the pairs
4. Write the word
5. Crossword

2. What's the weather like?
3. Find the pairs
4. Find the pairs
5. Mix of activities
6. The weather forecast

7. The weather game
8. Wheel of Fortune (game)

1. Choose 
2. Write 
3. Hangman 
4. Crossword 

See you soon!!

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